
Personal Finance Tips

Managing your finances can be one of the most difficult tasks we must do on a daily basis. The self control that financial management requires can be difficult for many to muster up, but some suggestions can makemanaging our personal finances easier . This article contains a number of tips relating to personal finance. Get a rewards credit card. No-fee reward cards are the best if you need a credit card. Reward cards give you rewards on various things that you typically use such as hotel rooms, airline tickets and store rewards. Be sure you pay the card off every month and pay on time to avoid interest and late fees. A great way to gain more control over your personal finances is to convert from card to cash for small items, like when buying coffee or snacks, and set a weekly limit. This'll mean you pay much closer attention to how much you're spending on what might seem like small items, but in fact are expenses which add up really fast. Your credit scor...

Top 5 Accounting Software for Small Business

1) Intuit Quick Books Accounting Software Quickbooks is a popular full featured accounting and payroll program designed for small businesses - or, I should say, a small business accounting software series. QuickBooks is available in Basic, Online, Pro, and Premier editions. The Pro Edition of this accounting program includes management tools such as a Vehicle Mileage Tracker and a Cash Flow    Projector.   2) Simply Accounting Accounting Software Full featured accounting and payroll package with all the features and reports any small business needs, including Internet and e-commerce features. This small business accounting software's data entry screens resemble their paper counterparts, and the screen tips and drag and drop functionality make the accounting program easy to learn. Professional versions include a time and billing module. Comes multi-user ready 3) MYOB Plus Accounting Software A double entry small business accounting software system with a ...